Product Info

Why we love it
The 900,000 spicules deeply penetrate into skin in just 3 seconds to provide instant changes in skin.
The 100% pure spicule containing pure particles made with 15 times of refining minimizes unnecessary skin irritation and side effects that are caused by impurities, and the low level of stimulation helps with providing instant skin improvement.
Completed clinical trial for sensitive skin types and skin irritation test.
The 900,000 aero-spicules reach deep inside skin by having triple longer length than stratum corneum.
Improves triple skin tone and pigmentation in 2 weeks of use, and provides instant 3D skin glow.
Featured ingredients
The Aero-spicule™ made with thin and long fine particles stimulates dormant skin cells to help with quick absorption of active ingredients and skin change.
The Aero-spicule™ is designed with fine passage called aero channel that provides deep penetration of oxygen and active ingredients coated on aero spicule to help with instant skin improvement.
High purity aero-spicule coated with vitamin C brightens dark and dull skin from inside without irritation.
Contains 5% niacinamide which is a skin brightening functional ingredient in maximum amount to provide advanced skin toning.
The vitamin E exosome that is 1/2600 times smaller than a pore provides effective delivery of vitamin E into skin without any loss.
How to use
After cleansing, apply adequate amount of the product on face along skin texture except for eye and mouth area, and then lightly pat to absorb.